Keratosis Pilaris is chicken bump skin. If you know what chicken bump skin is, you probably have it or know someone who does. If so, you know how hard it is to treat, because nothing seems to work. And it is unsightly, especially in the warm weather when you want to wear arm-revealing apparel. Learn about an easy, safe remedy for KP: Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer.
Keratosis Pilaris is small, dry white bumps that occur in patches. They are an excess build-up of keratin in numerous adjacent hair follicles within an area. They are most common on the back of the upper arms, the back and can appear even on buttocks. And they don’t exfoliate away, they don’t respond to acne medicine or creams, they seemingly respond to nothing, and they can get itchy. Oh, and they get angry looking in the heat, in the cold, from creams, sprays, clothing, and it would seem for no apparent reason at all.
It is sort of a not problem of a problem until it is one. Keratosis Pilaris can’t really hurt you unless you get an infection from scratching it. You also can temporarily tame the KP beast with a gentle exfoliation with mild soap and perhaps a brush device like Clarisonic, but you can also make a mess of your skin trying to treat it if you use the wrong products. And it is easy to mistake for acne or poison ivy if you don’t know better, starting a vicious cycle of KP inflammation and redness.

KP can leave unsightly and embarrassing red, irritated bumps that appear like acne or a rash on upper arms
The dread Chicken bump skin will respond to prescription strength Retinol. Retinol gently exfoliates off the dead skin cells entrapping the hardened keratin and replaces that skin with chicken bump-free skin, for the time being at least. It takes a good four to six weeks, but it clears it up pretty well. Further, with regular long-term use, the retinol helps prevent the hardened keratin bumps from forming in the first place, which reduces KP bump formation.
The caveat is that it that Retinol can also make skin dry, flaky and itchy, which make it more difficult to not scratch, which in turn, makes KP all the worse. So the Retinol needs to be buffered. And therein lies the rub: so many other ingredients can irritate KP that not all creams or lotions can be used as a retinol buffering agent.

Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer contains prescription strength Retinol plus Vitamin C to combat KP, along with Jojoba, Vitamin C and Aloe Vera to soothe irritated skin
One product we found that is excellent for treating KP is Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer. It combines a prescription strength Retinol of 2.5% with 20% Vitamin C serum. Together they sack chicken bumps, clearing out existing bumps and eliminating the excess keratin from the skin. This prevents new bumps from forming. There is also the bonus of several natural Keratosis Pilaris friendly moisturizers to buffer the active ingredients. These include the super soothing Jojoba Oil, Aloe Vera, and Sunflower Oil. This not only makes Retinol tolerable but eases the itchiness of existing chicken bumps, which makes it much easier not to scratch.
If you are in the market for KP products, you will notice they pretty much all have one thing in common: a steep price tag for a not so big bottle. Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer comes in a large and generous 2.8-ounce size for under $30, which makes it the most cost-effective treatment I’ve found to date for the Keratosis Pilaris on my upper arms.
My chicken bump situation is pretty mild, but I’m self-conscious about the area during the summer, and I’m happy to report the Lordsbury Retinol+C moisturizer took care of the problem without any irritation to the area. So this summer, I am chicken bump free!

Treat KP on face, decolletage, and arms with Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer
Looking to try a Retinol with all the prescription strength benefits and none of the irritation? Try Lordsbury Retinol+C moisturizer, a twice a day 2.5% retinol with 20% Vitamin C and loads of natural moisturizers to keep skin soft and dewy.
Find Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer at

Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer contains 2.5% Pure Retinol, 20% Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid, Jojoba, Wildcrafted Green Tea, Shea Butter and many other natural ingredients that help skin heal from KP
Style Chicks received Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer in exchange for our unbiased review and received compensation for our time and effort. However, our experience with the product and the opinions expressed in this review are 100% ours.
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